Home Fashion Dental veneers – the information you need to take an informed decision

Dental veneers – the information you need to take an informed decision

Dental veneers – the information you need to take an informed decision

The cost of dental veneers usually varies widely as far the UK is concerned. As a result it is easy to get confused whether you are getting a good deal. In the following sections of the blog post let us explore various aspects related to this particular modern dentistry treatment including its price in the UK and why the price varies so widely. At the end of this discussion taking an informed decision will be easier for you.

First of all, let us have a quick look at some of the vital facts related to the procedure. 

  • Dental veneers treatment is not available on the NHS for aesthetic enhancement.
  • The cost of veneering a single tooth usually ranges from £500 to £2,000.

The factors that affect the pricing of the treatment are many and include the following –

  • The location of the teeth that you want to get veneered
  • The condition of those teeth
  • The quality of the porcelain material that you choose
  • The location of your dental practice (the cost is usually lesser if your chosen dental practice is located in any rural area compared to those in urban regions)
  • Qualifications, skills and expertise of a dentist (as well as that of lab technicians)

When you opt for veneers at cheaper prices what do you actually get? This question is quite relevant and a concrete answer must be provided to it. When you get veneers at cheap prices they usually appear dull and flat. Moreover those are also likely to have margins that are poorly finished and aesthetically lesser appealing. In other words your veneered tooth or teeth will not look as good as they should and neither those will last you in sound shape for much longer. You have to replace those cheaply priced veneers more often. It is also easy to identify your veneered tooth or teeth in the mouth when you get this treatment at a cheap price.

On the other hand when you opt for costlier veneer treatments from any top notch dentist the veneered tooth or teeth appear absolutely seamless and natural. Even identifying your veneered teeth is practically difficult when you smile and the veneered teeth are also easier to clean. On the downside quality veneers treatment from high end dentists is indeed quite expensive.

In the following section of the post let us quickly explore rough estimates of good quality dental veneers treatment. 

  • Around £1500for a single tooth if it is a central incisor
  • Around £1200 for a single tooth if it is located at the front of your mouth
  • The cost ranges from £800 to £1000 per tooth when a full arch is concerned 

Several dental practices scattered all over the UK offer this treatment at cheaper rates but most of them do not have much quality to offer. Therefore you must be little careful before accepting such offers. Here are a few tips to help and guide you on accepting only the best offers. 

Veneers – what exactly these are

Dental veneers are nothing but ultrathin shells of porcelain that come in the colour of the tooth. Other than porcelain it can also be made up of acrylic and composite resin. Veneers are meant to cover the front surface of the tooth to mask all its flaws and issues. As a result the tooth has an enhanced appearance with restored dental functions.  

Reasons why the price of veneers varies so widely

The price of dental veneers varies widely simply because of the fact that every person getting the treatment done is different and so it every tooth and every dentist who provides the treatment. There are quite a few factors that determine the price of this cosmetic dentistry procedure which include the following –

  • The location and condition of the targeted teeth in the mouth
  • The quality of material you want to use on your tooth
  • Qualifications, expertise and experience of a dentist
  • The location of a dental practice you go to

It is much easier to provide quality veneers treatment to the teeth that are strong, healthy and properly aligned. A dentist can start selecting the right shade from a good base colour. As a result the cost of the treatment works out to be quite reasonable. However the task becomes incredibly difficult for a dentist when one has crooked or misaligned teeth, badly discoloured or stained teeth, an uneven bite, a high lip line (or where the gum line is easily visible), or lots of existing fillings in the teeth. Providing composite veneers to the lower teeth is also much difficult compared to the upper teeth mostly because of the way you bite. Veneering even a single central incisor is also much difficult and each of these factors inflates the cost of the treatment. Matching the colour of the incisors is practically very difficult explains a dentist who quotes reasonable cost for veneers in London. 

The level of skills and expertise of a dentist

Every dentist who handles patients is thoroughly trained and qualified to provide dental treatments safely. However as the fact stands dental veneers are not taught a great deal in dental schools. This is mostly because of the fact it is a cosmetic dentistry treatment. Dentists have to go through various post graduation courses burning the midnight oil to master the art and the science of veneers treatment. This also adds up to the cost of the treatment which is quite obvious. 

 When you go to a skilled and experienced dentist for veneers treatment the dentist will –

  • Plan as well as execute your treatment carefully so that your veneered tooth or teeth easily compliment with your natural smile and the shape of your mouth. 
  • An experienced dentist also ensures your porcelain veneers procedure is as minimally destructive for the natural enamel structure of your teeth as possible. It is important to mention that destruction of the natural enamel structure of the tooth during this procedure is actually an irreversible damage that can never ever be compensated by any means. 
  • A highly skilled dentist also makes sure your veneers are fitted with optimum precision to get rid of visible joins as well as rough edges.

The Bayswater Dental Clinic offers one of the most reasonable prices for porcelain veneers treatment in London UK. The dental practice also possesses a stunning track record in successful handling of these cases.


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