Home Health Your wisdom tooth surgical aftercare routine

Your wisdom tooth surgical aftercare routine

Your wisdom tooth surgical aftercare routine

After your wisdom tooth is extracted, it is important that you undergo a speedy and hassle-free recovery. The impacts of any oral surgery are quite variable and wisdom tooth extraction is no exception to that. Therefore, all the post-surgery instructions are not applicable in every case. The basic objective of care following any oral surgery is to control bleeding. There are few other objectives as well, like ensuring a patient gets adequate nutrition, effective management of pain and maintaining sound oral hygiene, etc. Taking proper care for the surgical wound is also important so that it heals up faster. After undergoing a surgery in the mouth there is always the risk of development of an infection. This is why every such patient requires sound post operative care. If the post operative instructions of an oral surgeon are carefully followed there is a much lesser chance of developing an infection. Even pain and swelling can be minimised to a considerable extent too.

Necessary care immediately after an oral surgery

  • Firm pressure applied directly to the site of surgery is necessary to control bleeding. This is effectively done by biting a moist gauze pad right over the area of surgery to get broken wisdom tooth pain relief. This pressure must be maintained for at least 30 minutes to an hour. Then that gauze pad should be discarded.
  • There is no need to touch the area of surgery with the tip of the tongue. This may lead to dislodging of the blood clots that may have formed and reopening the wound to bleeding.
  • As soon as your body starts registering little discomfort start taking your pain medicines suggests a dentist who possesses in depth expertise in handling wisdom tooth pain. Usually, this discomfort registers itself when the effects of local anaesthesia start wearing off.
  • Avoid any kind of physical exhaustion and strenuous exercises on the day of surgery. 
  • Immediately after the surgery you should apply cold pack to the outer face right on the site of surgery. This helps minimising swelling, bruising and chances of inflammation to a great extent.

Dealing with post surgical bleeding  

After almost every oral surgery little bleeding is obvious. As far as it remains restricted to little oozing, bleeding and redness in the saliva you should know that everything is normal. But excessive bleeding is not good, nor is normal. To control excessive bleeding from a site of surgery in the mouth you have to bite on a moistened gauze pad right over the treated area to create firm direct pressure. Hold the gauze pad right there in place by biting firmly for about 30 minutes to an hour and if required then repeat it a few times. However, if the bleeding keeps continuing then bite on a moistened tea bag instead of a gauze pad to create direct pressure on the site of surgery. Keep biting the moistened tea bag also for about thirty minutes to an hour to take effect.

Tea contains an ingredient called tannic acid which has astringent properties. Combined effect of the pressure from your biting and the tannic acid helps creating blood clots faster and contracting your blood vessels and as a result the bleeding gets controlled. In order to stop further bleeding you must try to relax. This is why it is necessary to avoid any type of physical exhaustion and strenuous exercises for a day or two immediately after an oral surgery. Even little reddish or blood-stained saliva is likely to show up during the period but that rather should not scare you off and you should know that is very common in these circumstances. In order to control blood-stained saliva, there is no need for applying gauze pressure any more. On the other hand, if active bleeding from the surgery site does not subside within next 24 hours in that case you must call your dentist’s office and inform them about the matter. They will give you necessary instructions to sort out the issue, assures a dentist in London who deals with cases involving wisdom tooth pain in jaw

Maintain a clean mouth 

If the bleeding from the site of surgery is well under control, then you can brush the teeth carefully right on the night of surgery but make sure not to take the bristles of the brush anywhere near the surgical site. It is also okay to rinse the mouth gently. Rinsing is more helpful in this situation to dislodge food particles stuck in the teeth. it is a good idea to rinse the mouth gently with a lukewarm solution of a teaspoon of table salt mixed in a cup of water. You can rinse the mouth with this solution for at least 5 to 6 times a day. It helps formation of blood clots to control bleeding and also minimises chances of infection and inflammation.

Your dentist may also prescribe medicinal products like chlorhexidine in form of oral rinse. You have to use these products as per the instructions of your dentist. Try to swish it in the mouth for at least a minute before spitting it out. Use this for about 10 to 14 days twice daily after brushing to get the best effect suggests a dentist who keeps busy with emergency removal of wisdom tooth round the year in London.

Antibiotic medications

In case your dentist has prescribed you any antibiotic medication then you must take those medicines as instructed. Usually, dentists prescribe antibiotics to patients who have high chances of developing an infection. The range of antibiotic drugs is available both as liquid and as pills. In any prescribed antibiotic triggers any side effect like wheezing, rash and hives, etc. in that case just discontinue using it and inform the dentist’s office immediately. A large number of these antibiotic medications are known to interfere with oral contraceptives. Therefore, it is better using other forms of contraceptive during the rest of one’s menstrual cycle. 

Diet after an oral surgery

Immediately after an oral surgery your diet should only be liquids. Drink from a cup or glass without using a straw. While drinking from a straw a sucking motion is required and that is often difficult to perform when one is using a straw. During this phase your body requires good levels of nourishment and therefore intake of high calorie and high protein are important. Good nutrition facilitates fast and seamless healing of your surgical wound. You should not skip meals at any cost in this phase. There should not be any hot beverage or hot food on the day of surgery. You should rather indulge in soft and cool foods like ice cream, juice, applesauce, yogurt milk shake, pudding, varieties of soups (that are cold by the time you have them), oatmeal, smashed potatoes, scrambled eggs, cream of wheat and such other items. Dentists at Emergency Dentist London Pro with years of experience in wisdom teeth removal suggest you should gradually move back to normal diet of solid foods over the next few days after the surgery. 


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